CYP 2023

LOCATION: The Ohio Ballroom
DESCRIPTION: Do you want to build valuable connections in your field or network to advance your career? You want to attend this in-person networking session at the 2023 CYP conference. Participating in the professional networking session will allow you to meet and greet experts in your field of study and collaborate with professionals who share similar passions or interests in project development and management. Specifically, you will build valuable connections with experienced professionals to advance your career and learn creative ways to stay connected with your networks.

LOCATION:The Ohio Ballroom
DESCRIPTION: This session will allow you to put what you've learned in the networking session to practice.

PRESENTER:Kwabena Abankwa and Perpetual Baffour
LOCATION: The Ohio Ballroom
DESCRIPTION: Learn how to use new technological advancements in Artificial Intelligence to make you more productive and efficient

Do you want to know the preparation and training involved with your field of interest? You are invited to attend this in-person CYP conference session to discuss/learn from experts in fields such as business/ finance, academia/research, computers/tech, education/social services, engineering, healthcare, nursing, law/politics on how to prepare yourself to work in a particular profession, practice, or industry including meeting the academic requirements for licensure or accreditation.

Choose One
Education & Social Services Nursing

PRESENTER:Dr. Patricia Serwaa Afrifa
LOCATION:The Ohio Ballroom

PRESENTER: Mrs.Jennifer Nimarko, Mrs. Dorinda Baawuah
LOCATION:Ohio Ballroom

PRESENTER:Dr. Patricia Okyere, Dr. Samuel Kwarteng,
LOCATION:Ohio Ballroom

Computers & Technology
PRESENTER:Pr. Israel Okyere, Janice Konadu, Kwabena Abankwa,Perpetual Baffour

Business and Finance
PRESENTER:Mr. Kings Boachie-Mensah and Mr. Evans Amoako
LOCATION: German Village

PRESENTER: Dr. Eric Frempong LOCATION: Arena

Choosing the Correct Major/Career
PRESENTER: Dr. Kofi Appiah
DESCRIPTION: Choosing the right career can be a daunting task, but it's essential to take the time to reflect on your interests, skills, and values. This session will help in developing a plan for the future.

Early Careers / Collegiates

PRESENTER:Kojo Manu; Mrs. Jessica Hamerter; Samuel Osei
LOCATION: Short North
DESCRIPTION: Do you have ten (10) years or less of applied work experience? Are you still in college or nearing completion of college? This in-person CYP conference session will equip you with the knowledge to use your credentials to gain experience and practical professional training to advance your career in career exploration, establishing a career, and utilizing specific professional networking platforms to your advantage.

Career Transition
PRESENTER:Dr. Ofori Yentumi
DESCRIPTION: Do you want to change careers or transition from one job to another? You are cordially invited to this in-person CYP conference session to learn how you can augment your abilities and interests in crafting your application materials, including cover letters and writing an effective resume to maneuver through challenging times from life skills to self-care.

Non-profit Management, Grant Writing and Grant Management
PRESENTER:Dr. Felix O. Quayson
LOCATION: Ohio Ballroom
DESCRIPTION: Have you ever thought about non-profit management? Well, this in-person CYP conference session invites you to learn about the practice of administration and management of non-profit organizations. You will be equipped with the knowledge of running your own non-profit effectively, including structuring your non-profit financial outlook and placing value on your organization's services. You will understand the true nature of a non-profit is to organize for a purpose(s) or cause to pursue education, social, policy, charitable, or religious outcomes, and not generate for profit to distribute funds/income to members, directors, or officers.

Do you have a business/project and would like to solicit funds? You are kindly invited to attend this in-person CYP conference session to learn the practice of completing a grant application to fund your business/project
and how to manage your grant funding. This session will highlight where you can apply for funding, including foundations, government agencies, institutions, corporations, special interest groups, and non-profits, and dis-cuss how to use precise language mechanics and effective persuasion to grab grant reviewers' attention.

Filing and Establishing an LLC or Company

PRESENTER: Mr. George Antwi E.A.
DESCRIPTION: Do you want to establish an LLC business? This in-person CYP conference session will teach you how to file a Limited Liability Company (LLC) under your state statute, including the various IRS entity classification of certain business entities as corporations, how IRS treats an LLC either as a corporation, partnership, or as part of business owner’s tax re-turn, which LLC tax forms to file for federal income tax returns, and why the IRS is a business-friendly government agency.

Managing Teams/People
TIME: 3:10 PM–4:10PM
PRESENTER: Pastor Bob Cundiff; Mrs Cheralee Calhoun
DESCRIPTION: How do I manage people/teams? Suppose this sounds like a question you want an answer to. In that case, this in-person CYP conference session invites you to learn about a person’s ability to manage, lead, and coordinate a group of individuals to execute goals and tasks, including the differences between a direct manager and a team manager. In this session, you will learn about the strategies of team management and the practical skills that every manager should be equipped with to lead people/teams.

LOCATION: The Ohio Ballroom
DESCRIPTION: How do I develop a professional career plan? How do I pre-pare for a job interview? Well, this in-person CYP conference session will help you with the knowledge on how to prepare for job interviews, how to write an effective and attention-grabbing resume, and how to undergo the process of psychological and personal fulfillment in developing opportunities for yourself and making occupationally specific decisions for your long -term professional growth.

LOCATION: The Ohio Ballroom.
DESCRIPTION: Do you have moments when you feel overwhelmed with work, school, church, or life in general? Anxiety about the future, finances, and personal relationships. Fear of rejection, or not being good enough or worth it? This session allows all to express their emotions in a safe space. To encourage one another and provide support for one another.

**Prayer leaders will be available in theprayer room at the below times**
1:25 pm-1:55 pm.6:30 pm–7:00pm10:00 pm–10:30pm
The Prayer Room is located at Polaris 1

Welcome.................................................................................Grace Appiah
Opening Song
Opening Prayer..........................................................................Juliana Mends
Tithe & Offering. .…………………………………………………………...……....Kwaku Addai Mensah
Special Music
Scripture Reading ..................................................................... Pandora Sarpong
Introduction of Speaker ....…………………………………..………………………........Adwoa Abrah
Song of Meditation
Divine Message .......................................................................Pr. Joseph Ottinger
Closing Song
Benediction…………………....................................................................Pr. Joseph Ottinger

PRESENTER: Pastor Kenneth Appiah-Kubi
LOCATION: The Ohio Ballroom.
DESCRIPTION: Do you know you can be a leader in all areas of your life? How do you leverage your influence to be a good leader? What does it mean to be a leader? What is the attribute of a good leader? Come to this session to learn more.

LOCATION: The Ohio Ballroom.
DESCRIPTION: This section is devoted to those who are making an impact in their communities. This will allow the audience to ask those change-makers questions to see how they started.

Single by Choice
LOCATION: German Village
DESCRIPTION: Looking for a space to learn how to enjoy being single? Look no further than this exciting networking session! We will discuss building community and finding joy and peace in God while single. Finally,we’ll take a break at the end to connect. Join us for a night of inspiration, fellowship, empowerment, and fun!

Singles Ready to Mingle
LOCATION:1stsession: The Ohio Ballroom. / 2ndsession Arena District
DESCRIPTION: Come prepared to participate in a night of meaningful con-versation, Ice breaker activities, and Singles Game Night!
How often have you heard the statements,‘Most people spend far more time in preparation for their vocation than they do in preparation for marriage,’or‘Before you plan your wedding, plan your marriage. Well, both statements are true. Marriage is a decision worthy of serious forethought and preparation, and great marriages require being intentional even be-fore you say“I do.” Moreover, as wonderful as a wedding is, it lasts only a few hours, while the marriage, we hope, will last for a lifetime. So, if you want to prepare for marriage and build a successful, lifelong marriage this session is for you!

Married Couples
LOCATION: The Ohio Ballroom.
DESCRIPTION: This networking session will focus on married couples finding ways to maintain their individuality within their marriage, conflict
resolution, and intimacy.

Event Details